
Show Me Yours

Monday, March 22, 2010

Dude Dude Dude

It was at night and I was at somewhere there's everyday activities were going on until late midnight.I was at busy night city at one of my favorite place-Mount Hill of Stars(MHS).Play enough games,read much magazines,viewed many eye candies and walked uncountable steps between mall to malls.

Before the clock struck on 12,before the day end,I bit farewell to MHS and proceed to the rows of clubs and pubs.While my little walk to there,I came across a very dashing,good looking white dude were walking to MHS.Alone he was.He's very handsome that my eyes balls kept looking at him with my face facing straight the street.

A few feet behind him was another dude probably from the Middle Eastern.A young-good-looking-daddy looks,clean shaven with after shaved perma-scruff.Like the white dude in front of him,he was alone too.Could he have stalking the dude?

There's an easier way for walking,err rolling

Thought the 2 dudes satisfied me enough,but whats make the third person?Again,few feet behind both of them appeared another dude,an asian,probably local chinese dude.Also a handsomely enough with the hairstyle of Taylor Lautner,minus the height which shorter some inches.Well,guess what,he was alone too,following the dudes infront .While passing the chinese dude,I couldn't take anymore than I could,I yelped a little hard voice along the breath I breathed,dropping the F word.When I turned my head back,I noticed the chinese dude were looking at me,probably thinking that I was mumbling alone.

3 hawt dudes,1 place,1 moment.Were it just coincident?I think it's just enough for my eye candies views.1 world dude.


savante said...

And you didn't trail them!

Bearer of True Runes said...

That's a brilliant idea!And their home too?

Birth of 27 True Runes

In the beginning of the world, there was only Darkness.
Over time,Darkness grew lonely,
This loneli
ness became a heavy sorrow.
Then, the Darkness shed a tea
From the tear two brothers were formed: Sword and Shield.
Shield claimed it could defend against any attack.
Sword claimed it could slice through anything.
The brothers began a legendary battle.
They fell into war at lasted seven days and seven nights.
In the end, Sword breached Shield and Shield broke Sword.
Both Sword and Shield shattered.
Pieces of Sword became the sky,
Pieces of Shield became the earth,
And the sparks from the battle became the stars.
As for the jewels, they fell to the ground.
The 27 gems adorning Sword and Shield transformed into the 27 True Runes.
True Runes--The runes that all other runes were born from.
And thus the world began it's life.